well my dear picaddicts, teh worst has come. Japan was hit by an earthquake, THEN TSUNAMI (what luck they have >o<) well anywas the pico comapant, CyberAgent Inc., is located in japan and they were safe, but i guess the grief and since it was tehir home city over taken them and they made a very good idea! DONATE 100 OR 500 AMEBA GOLD TO THE CAUSE AND U GET BALLONS, DONATED TO HELP TEH DISASTER IN JAPAN. i hesiated at first but then thought 100 gold wouldn't do a difference and i felt proud! so if you have an extra 100 gold, donate people need what ever they can find!
aand in return u get ballons! it may not seem much but dont worry, money goes into good things dont you atleast want to help!
sad, isnt it :(
please help it