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Sunday, January 30, 2011


everytime i go somewhere someone always asks me about my running, and to tell you the turth its kind of annoying. i am just here to clear everything up

wanna know where my ninja suit is ! this is how i walk
ok, well go to edo and go to jokamachi. there look for the ninja, the only problem is that the ninja comes out around 9 oclock  and in the morning^_^
if u find him, click on him and look around. each of the suits he sell both offer teh same walk! the only thing is taht is costs gold, but i am happy to tell ya so no one gets confused !
hoped this kinda helped u!


**ok for this frist one you need gold( look at my blog archievs to see the post about gold**

**standing on water**
go to the pico nigth club and look for mike! buy his back slide move for only 200 ag

next go to the central park in travle and go to the park pond!
stand infront of the pond facing towards the pond!
then backslide, and tada your on water!
people will be impressed and youll get lot of props!!!

*** anchor rope***
go to the age of exploration in teh time travle section!
go to the carribean seaport!
go all the way to the end of the ship *litterally*

then go to the that little rope at the end
and click at the bottom and u just climbed down the anchor line

hoped i showed u some new things :3


HI EVERYONE! im gonna give picos who deserve recognition a spotlight! some picos make awesome rooms but no one see it. so i am here to give them the recognition they deserve for the hard work :3

★ StaR ★

the secret garden!
wanna see this room for youself! search up ★ StaR ★ and visit her awesome room! please favorite it! she really deserves it 

until next time!


ok tough times= no gold for pico users
so with all hese new awesome gachas opening up, dont u want some gold

well, i am here to show you what many pico dont know!
here is how to do free offers that can result in many gold !

*warning: results may very*
first click on tis litle gold sing

its in the corner, but click the gold sign

it should open a page in pico saying buy gold
then click earn gold, which should be on a tab or on the first page!
then click when u click it it takes u to another mini page *ur still on pico, so dont owrry*.
there look around and click one of the tabs that says free!
now browse around and look for easy offers like signing up for newsletters or watching videos( which now has its own tabs so look for it if its avalable!)

VALA! i just gave you the guide to earn free gold!
one time i earned 300 gold! so this does work but becareful, dont give out any personal information, give out fake information!ok. MUAHH <3

mystery gift week 2!!!

imma post 20 of them for now, ill post some more later :3
( if u dont knwo how this works, when u click the links, a pop up will come out, and wait for the facebook sign to come out, and when it does click it and TADA, ur receicved ur gift!)
gift 1    gift 4     gift 7    gift 10   gift 13   gift 16  gift 19
gift 2    gift 5     gift 8    gift 11   gift 14   gift 17  gift 20
gift 3    gift 6     gift 9    gift 12   gift 15   gift 18  *BONUS *

and just because i love you, ill add 5 extra ones :3 *but they arent myster gifts 1, they're random :0*
*random*     *random*   *random*    *random*   *random *

until next time addicts :3


this is my new blog
, like it ,like it, i know you do ^_^
ohh well if you dont, then..um......:\ i failed in life
well anyways, my blog is gonna be like a team! imma try to get my frinds envloved with this :3
and imma try to put food links and stuff like that :D
wish my blog good luck!!

About Me

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS