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Sunday, January 30, 2011


everytime i go somewhere someone always asks me about my running, and to tell you the turth its kind of annoying. i am just here to clear everything up

wanna know where my ninja suit is ! this is how i walk
ok, well go to edo and go to jokamachi. there look for the ninja, the only problem is that the ninja comes out around 9 oclock  and in the morning^_^
if u find him, click on him and look around. each of the suits he sell both offer teh same walk! the only thing is taht is costs gold, but i am happy to tell ya so no one gets confused !
hoped this kinda helped u!

About Me

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS