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Saturday, March 12, 2011


well i been reading some blogs, some people have their guesses and so far one of the supposed hackers actually have been apearing alot

they have some of teh hackers, and these two hackers are the ones who are being rumored by many picos , and i have my own suspicions to sicne someone tried to get my password, im not sure if she is a hacker was she actually trying to get me some gold, she seemed nice but just to keep safe imma give you her name but i am not accusing her i am just giving out warnings just incase

she seems nice but yea if anyone offer you gold just say no, its for your own safety ^3^

oh and here are somepictures of the hackers

(she changed her name so beware)

and thats all the hackers i heard of, so be careful

About Me

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS