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Saturday, March 12, 2011


wel today i was looking for a panda (big suprise) and i an into this girl(well she came to me) and this big thing happened and she acted liek a bitch(well i acted like one too) well heres our convo (i think this is teh msot awkard talk i ever had)

(20:28) Natasha Baby: hwiZ!
(20:28) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: hi
(20:28) Natasha Baby: iw nweed mowmy
(20:28) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: ok?
(20:28) Natasha Baby: cawn woo bwe mwe mowmmy?
(20:29) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: no
(20:29) Natasha Baby: whwy?
(20:29) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: i dotn want a baby
(20:29) Natasha Baby: owh
(20:29) Natasha Baby: iw well be teen
(20:29) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: or teen
(20:29) Natasha Baby: oh
(20:29) Natasha Baby: what bout
(20:29) Natasha Baby: friends?
(20:29) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: sorry i dont take random people
(20:29) Natasha Baby: im not random!
(20:29) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: yea
(20:29) Natasha Baby: no!
(20:30) Natasha Baby: im not random!
(20:30) Natasha Baby: u have 100 buddies!
(20:30) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: i dont even know ur pico name
(20:30) Natasha Baby: im natasha baby!
(20:30) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: yea and i know them all
(20:30) Natasha Baby: im natasha baby!
(20:30) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: ok?
(20:30) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: thats all i know of u
(20:30) Natasha Baby: fyi
(20:31) Natasha Baby: ur skin and lips stick and ur eyes
(20:31) Natasha Baby: they stink@
(20:31) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: do u think i care?
(20:31) Natasha Baby: u must be a noobbbb
(20:31) Natasha Baby: u r a nooobbbbb
(20:31) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: then why do i have 47 stars
(20:31) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: thats not a noob
(20:31) Natasha Baby: u just only got 1,000 gold
(20:31) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: i got 2,500
(20:31) Natasha Baby: how said is that
(20:32) Natasha Baby: u r a noob!
(20:32) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: im not
(20:32) Natasha Baby: how said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:32) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: do u even know what a noob means
(20:32) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: ?_?

by the time i said "do you know what a noob means" she left i guess she was a noob trying to call me a noob, even though she didnt know what it means. inda funney if you think of it, and she only had 38 stars so she was a noobish person. ohh well , people can be like that

.till next time

About Me

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS