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Sunday, May 15, 2011


hello picos. sad news, while i only found like 2 honorable picos this whole two weeks, it only took me one day to found another not so honorable person.  yea its really easy, i found many but this one stood out. dont worry, as a result. for now on, i am going to warn the person that i posted him/her on my blog as a person to stay away from. i know, im mean, but i need to teach them their lessons. ok so this is the story 
name: ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥  *no pic avaliable today*
crime: insulting a girl who was on her chair and calling me a negro and being closed minded.
sceniro: kyra toustin, who unfortunatly sat in the same chair as ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥, and now baby is trying to get her off "her" chair by insulting ppl and ppl around her. kyra also was being a little like baby, but baby was more..bad
extras: i came in when they braely started fighting, so not all of it is here

(21:54) Kyra Toustin: hey
(21:54) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: im the prettiest
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: grr
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: out
(21:54) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: yu hey !
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: out
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: out
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: im here
(21:54) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: FUCC UP!
(21:54) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: SHUDDUP
(21:54) Kyra Toustin: sh*it
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: stop
(21:55) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: *BITCH
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: im here!!
(21:55) freza I love: dong came into my room 9 people please
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: i was first here
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: then she sat at me
(21:55) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: owner not online and i waz here first
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: i was
((21:55) Kyra Toustin: pls
(21:55) Kyra Toustin: out
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: i propped you
(21:56) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: i click here fiiirst and yu were on here wen i got here
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: sorry
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: no i was first
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: i saw the chair empty
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: stop lying!
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: lier!
(21:56) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: HONEST !
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: :P
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: its true
(21:56) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: yeah EMPTY but yu were closer
(21:56) Kyra Toustin: but i was the one who sat first
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: bad girl!
(21:57) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: I CLICKED FIRST!
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: who cares?
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: i was the one who sat
(21:57) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: yeah .... ASSSSSSHOLEEEEE
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: shut up
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: :P
(21:57) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: *BITCH
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: :P
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: :P
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: :P
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: then?
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: the one who says the one who is
(21:57) Kyra Toustin: hmpp
((21:58) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: lol ppl cussing makes me laught :DDD
(21:58) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: D:
((21:58) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: *laugh
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: ....
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: ....
(21:58) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: SHUTUP!
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: ....
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: ......
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: ...
(21:58) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: neegroo {to me}
(21:58) Kyra Toustin: .........
(21:58) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: well im latina
(21:58) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: i want sum se%
(21:58) ♥baby♥Aηɢєl♥: C U M
(21:58) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: ne.rgo is the word for african american s
(21:59) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: so if u want to insult me
(21:59) ⓢωɘɘт☀ⓟᶏחȼᶏkɘs: isnult me the right way
~~she was quiet by that time~~~

what to do:  well she isnt really a get out of the way person, but she was a bit closed minded, so obviously dont sit on near her. and by the looks of it, she was a sterotyping person calling me a nergo, when my skin color isnt really "black" but if you can tell im brown. so anyways, she is also a pretty rude person. the reason why i didnt put kyra on this list along with baby was an important difference. she didnt cuss as much as baby and she tried to be polite. something baby didnt bother to do. so if you ever come paths along her, just dont sit on her seat or dont disagree with her, a serious flame war will start.

im not trying to insult this person, or make her life a living hell, but im jsut trying to show this person who she did wrong and maybe she can realize how to get better.

untill next time picos.....

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS