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Sunday, May 8, 2011

pico and they're new stuff...

is it me or pico is getting pretty pricey with their new stuff. i mean so far when they open new areas, they just offer a few token items, and almost no gummie item. it sucks for those people who dont want to purchase gold. why are they trying to rip of people, i mean a portion who play pico are kids right? so i dont think its fair. plus the economy isnt good right now, so wtf pico. jsut release more gummie items, it isnt very hard...

in other news. imma try to interview ppl later this week, i want to see how they feel about pico and their new ag areas...

who knows maybe u might get interveiwed xD

About Me

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hiya i am a hyper chick, i love pico and i love mah friendys and i love bacon and i love stuff as you can see and i am hyper, did i forget to mention that? (~o.o)~ ## i like WAFFLES AND PORTATERS