so as some of you may know i made a beware list **only made one so far** but i was thinking, why am i only showing the bad side of picos, why not the good side, you know... the caring, helpful sides. so once every week, i am going to try to post and talk about a pico who made a little difference in pico, whether it is being nice to noobs, or even defending someone being cyber bullied. what ever, a long is it helped someone ^.^ sure its going to be hard to do, but i am going to try to look for those people. listen cause this is you part too... if you know someone or just witness someone doing a kind deed, by all means send me a message with what they did and their name , they will be on my list ^_^ anyways being good does give a reward... ill give them food and try to prop and ring them... if they are even online when i give them the pize.. plus u get to be on my tiny blog, at least you get a little attention for what you did ^_^
anyways wish me luck! i need to find awesome picos :D